Rules of Conduct - Page 2
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Chat and Forum
Discussion through onscreen chat, GraalOnline chat, and discussion forums is a part of the game. GraalOnline must not be used, however, to promote competing products or services. Individuals who actively promote other competing products or services within GraalOnline, may be locked out.
Another abuse of chat and forum privileges is when players use abusive language (cursing or threatening language), racial attacks or comments, or sexually explicit comments, either general or specific, when communicating to individual players, in the content of mass messages via the GraalOnline chat system, or via the discussion boards.
The GraalOnline Communications Forum (Message Boards) is used to discuss GraalOnline related content, gameplay, ideas, experiences. Constructive complaints and other healthy criticism that points out ways the game can be improved are welcome. Flame wars, personal attacks on players, and any unfounded criticisms will be removed. Abuses such as these will lead to players being banned from the Communications Forum. GraalOnline staff may lock out such abusive players.
Players may not promote anything sexually explicit, implications of racism, or vulgar online. This includes, but is not limited to, sharing URLs with others to websites that contain profanity, nudity, or anything else that violates the GraalOnline Rules of Conduct.
Players promoting content that is subversive to gameplay, promotes cheating, or any other hacking activities risk immediate ban. GraalOnline will have no tolerance for such activities.Bug Abuse, Hacks and Trainers
This section refers to creating or using any program or technique resulting in unfair advantage via an undocumented feature or disrupting the datastream to and from the server. Such Memory Edits, Trainers, Anti-Idle Macros, Bots or any other 'hacks' destroy the balance of play in GraalOnline and reduce its effectiveness to remain an entertaining product. While a player may think that abusing a bug for personal gain may not affect others, the fact is that it distorts power, creates imbalances in riches, and is otherwise unfair to players abiding by normal game rules. Players must agree that the consequences of allowing bugs and loopholes to be exploited is so detrimental to the product, that GraalOnline will exercise no tolerance whatsoever for anyone participating in this type of activity.
Bugs should always be reported. If you observe someone else abusing a serious bug, or discussing a plan to abuse one, and fail to report it, you are subject to the same penalties as they are. Players should report bugs to the Graal forum, Support Center (GraalDesk) or email the problem to [email protected].
Rewards obtained from bug abuse may be confiscated, at GraalOnline' sole discretion. Failure to cooperate with GraalOnline as to the extent or nature of a bug, or failure to be honest about the rewards obtained from bug abuse, is grounds for immediate lock-out from GraalOnline.Bug Reporting
Because there are constantly new features, levels and other content introduced into Graal, there WILL occasionally be bugs. One advantage of GraalOnline is that most bugs can be fixed 'on the fly' without requiring downloading patches.
Players should report bugs on the Graal forum, filing a report with the Support Center (GraalDesk) or via email to [email protected]. Bug reports should follow the instructions for reporting bugs included on the Graal website. Personal gripes, complaints about other players or staff and ideas for changing Graal content are NOT bugs and should not be included either as a bug posting or within a bug posting. Unacceptable postings include: "Player X killed me because he is a jerk...", "I don't like this level. It is stupid..." etc.
Proper postings include a 3-4 sentence description of what happened:- What were you doing before and after the event occurred;
- If possible, what level where you in. You can get this by pressing F5, and checking the level that is loaded (cancel the dialog box or you'll be disconnected)
- In the case of item loss, what was the exact state before and after the bug event
- What system you were using (System software version, PC clock speed, video card, connection type, and other information you can provide)
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